90 Day Success Journal Coming My Way

June 13, 2008 at 1:28 am (Uncategorized)

Thanks to my friend, Jane, Paul McKenna’s I Can Make You Thin 90-Day Success Journal is on it’s way to my post office box. Two of them, in fact! I was just about to order a copy from Amazon UK (for about $12.83) when Jane found a couple of copies for $4.99 each at Alibris. As far as I know, I bought the last two copies, but you might keep checking back to see if they get anymore.

I’m so excited to have these books. The support will be great. The best part is that they arrive on or before June 27. On June 28, I start a 100 Day Reality Challenge, where I’ll be really working on my goals with focus and intention for 100 days. The timing is pretty divine, don’t you think? Of course, I have listed as one of my goals/intentions to “Follow the McKenna System for developing a healthier relationship with food. I follow the Four Golden Rules effortlessly, faithfully, and consistently. I buy a 90 Day Success Journal to support my efforts. I watch the “I Can Make You Thin” DVDs and listen to my iPod nightly to reinforce my new eating habits. Each day I visualize a thinner, firmer, healthier body. I update my McKenna blog weekly. By doing all of these things, I learn to feel more comfortable in my own skin, increase my self-confidence, heal my relationship with food and lose weight.” I’d like to lose 25 pounds during that 100 days, but I’m not going to hold myself to that, as I know that the weight loss will happen in its own time and can’t really be dictated. So, my goal is simply to follow the program to the best of my ability and feel better about myself.

Wish me luck!

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